Thursday, May 17, 2012

 Looking Beyond What You See

There are many ways to see and look at things.   But one of the most amazing ways to see things is to look and take note beyond what is seen infront of you.   I believe personally that, that is a gift from God.  Sometimes we just see things, but some times we really look at things.  Like the old saying goes; "looking beyond your nose" another clishe, seeing the "trees from the forest"   The word that comes to mind is focusing!
God has given us a precious thing called life and He, the Creator has put us on a path, with great plans and purposes for our success, that is what is written  in the book of Jeremiah. God's plan for us is for our welfare, prosperity. health and success those are some of the words used to describe God's greatest desire for us.  David wrote in the psalms that God our Heavenly Father is mindful of  us. How amazing that God preplanned everything for our lives!  All we have to do is look beyond ourselves and see Him.   After all He has given us a road map and specific instructions in the Bible.   I heard someone say once that the Bible means: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!  God has it all planned out.   He has all the answers even for our times of trouble.
God puts us on the path and instead of us looking to see what's infront of us, we are looking down to our feet.  Instead of looking up and ahead we look to the left or to the right and we loose our focus.  We are easly moved by our desires, emotions, thoughts, people and even our circumstances.
There is a need for us to notice, not only each step we take, but  look ahead at the beauty of His plans and purposes.  Looking ahead and focusing upward reminds us of where our help comes from.  We must notice each step of the way the direction that He is leading us to go, the tasks that are before us that need to be accomplish in order to reach the destiny, He has planned for us.   Focusing to do everything in life that He is requiring from us in order to be successful and give Him all the glory, He deserves.   For we must always remember that Jesus paid a great price for all of these promises.  Jesus is the greatest success story ever will be told and we are part of that story!   We have been bought with a price.  The greatest thing we can do is to obey His every biding.   Let us be mindful to take note and look beyond what we see infront of us today.   For infront of us is a long narrow path we must walk and never stop walking and quit.   This path is full of wonderful discovers, experiences with God and blessings from God that He has preplanned for us to live out and to learn from in order to grow up! We must never resist or we will regret!  We must never look back!

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