Monday, May 14, 2012

The Beauty of His Love

God's beautiful creations are most wonderful!  If we would just look around as we walk through gardens, up and down streets, or just outside our own yard.  We will hear through the ears of our eyes God speaking loudly to us about His wonderful love for us.  How awesome that God would create the beauty of flowers, trees, the sky and many more beautiful things, so that we may enjoy each and everyone of them.  As we look closely at the beauty of God's creation, it is evident that we are looking at a miracle.   As we notice some of His creations; seems as if God Himself took brush in hand to paint them. God spoke  all of these beautiful things into existence with His very Words from the beginning of time in Genesis.  So when we see the colors blending together on trees, flowers, the sky, and all His beauty, we are beholding His Glory, the miracle of His authority, His wisdom, His knowledge, and His understanding; the very character of our Heavenly Father is on display before our very eyes.  How amazing that our Creator would give us that, and much more that we do not deserve.  Makes me think about His grace abounding towards us, through His love of giving up His son for our sins, that we may be cleansed by His blood and forgiven throught His death. But brought again to life through His amazing resurrection.  And all that we have to do is acknowledge Jesus as we repent of our sins!  What beauty! What love!  Reminds me of the words in a song that says, "Where the blood fell, the flowers bloom! "  Those flowers are mearly a symbol of us in a state of brokeness, then the blood flowed and we were cleansed. This is truely the message that God's amazing creation brings to us! The beauty of His wonderful love towards us His people at the Cross!  Amazing Grace and amazing love!

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